Project summary – 31st December 2023

The report below describes encouraging progress and the growing sophistication of the GSS project.

Briefly GSS is:

  1. Assisting 11 schools with rising pupil numbers – now 1,620
  2. The skills of the 56 teachers are improving rapidly on the back of our training and coaching programs
  3. We are introducing objective measurement of the performance of the teachers and pupils
  4. The facilities and infrastructure of the schools have been ”levelled up’ to a good standard during 2023 – some of the schools were on the point of collapse when we look them on
  5. We are now ready to assist more schools and candidates are being considered
  6. The schools are better administered and becoming more self reliant
  7. We are resourcing our implementing partner organisation (led by Kemo Bah) and its capabilities are growing
  8. Our finances are in good shape with a growing funding base. Today CAF Bank holds £120k with a further £9k in The Gambia.
GSS Term 1 2023-24 report 31 Dec 2023 2